This website, collects certain data from our visitors, where necessary. In the following privacy policy, you will be informed what we do with your personal data, and why we do this. We will also inform you about how we protect your data, when this data is deleted and what rights you have within data protection.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have specific questions about your personal data, deletion of your personal data or similar things.


You can contact us at any time if you have any questions about your rights regarding data protection or if you wish to exercise any of the following rights:

1 Right to access your data, you can contact us if you would like to know what data we have stored about you.

2 Right to correct your data, you can contact us if your e-mail address has changed and we should replace your old e-mail address.

3 Right to have your data deleted, you can contact us if you want us to delete certain data that we have stored about you.

4 Right to limit data collection, you can contact us if you do not want us to delete your e-mail address.


Unless otherwise stated, we will delete or anonymise your data as soon as it is no longer needed. Your data will also be deleted or anonymised automatically if the mandatory storage period expires, except when such data is required to be stored for a contract. Such data may be needed for longer periods of time for legal reasons. You can request information about all personal data we have stored about you.


If you wish to browse our website, we do not collect any personal data, with the exception of the data that your browser sends to us, such as:

1 IP address

2 Approximate location based on IP range.

3 Internet provider.

4 Internet connection speed.

5 Date and time of visit.

6 Last visited website.

7 Browser and version.

8 Operating system.

9 Hardware.

As a safeguard to protect your privacy, we delete or anonymise your IP address after your visit. Therefore, all other data possibly attached to it can no longer be traced back to you. It will only serve anonymous and statistical purposes to optimise our website. The purpose of temporarily storing this data is necessary to establish a connection as well as loading our website the way it was designed to. Such data is therefore required to display the website on your screen, to avoid display problems and other technical error messages.


We follow security standards to protect the information transmitted to us, both during transmission and after receipt. No method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information and we disclaim any assurance that this information will remain free from loss, misuse or alteration by third parties who, despite our best efforts, gain unauthorized access. Notwithstanding this, all information you provide will be stored on our secure servers.


Our website partially uses so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files that are usually stored in a folder of your browser. Cookies contain information about the current or last visit to the website:

1 Name of the website.

2 Expiration date of the cookie.

3 Any value.

If cookies do not contain an exact expiration date, they are stored only temporarily and are automatically deleted as soon as you close your browser or restart your device. Cookies with an expiration date will still be stored even when you close your browser or restart your device. Such cookies will not be deleted until the specified date or if you delete them manually. We use the following two types of cookies on our website:

1 Required cookies

2 Functional and performance-related cookies.

With the exception of the technically necessary cookies, the other cookie types are only activated after explicit consent has been given. This consent can be revoked at any time. You can find the revocation option and further information in the cookie setting options.